Welcome DBOS CEO, Jeremy Edberg

DBOS announces new CEO Jeremy Edberg
October 10, 2024

Today we announced that Jeremy Edberg is joining DBOS as CEO. He brings a lot of great cloud product, engineering, and growth leadership experience to the team, and we’re excited to have him aboard.

Jeremy is based in the Bay Area, and prior to joining DBOS, Jeremy was head of Product at Lambda, and prior to that held product and engineering positions at Amazon (Alexa), Netflix, Reddit, and eBay. Here’s a little Q&A with Jeremy to help you get to know him better and understand why we’re so glad to have him on the team.

Q&A With Jeremy

Let’s start with the usual CEO stuff…any world records or Emmy Awards you want to talk about?

Haha, of course you would start with the most awkward part.  Yes it’s true, I hold three Emmy awards (along with all the rest of Netflix engineering at the time) for our work on streaming video.  I also have a series of World Records for participating in the world’s largest gift exchange multiple years in a row via RedditGifts.

You’ve been part of some amazing engineering organizations throughout your career, what are some of your most memorable engineering feats?

I think my all time favorite was when I moved reddit from a datacenter in Boston to one in San Francisco with zero downtime. I set up a series of proxies and database sync, and then I just flipped a switch and started sending all of the traffic via proxy, until most of it shifted over. My second most favorite is when we build the Chaos Engineering tools necessary to test turning off an AWS region with live traffic. That first test was scary! But we did it with no downtime.

You’re no stranger to serverless computing, What’s your experience been like, and how do you think it lives up to its potential?

I was the first person to ever use AWS Lambda outside of Amazon, a few months before it launched. I’ve been a huge fan of the concept ever since. I’ve always felt that serverless is the way of the future — it allows the developer to focus on the code and business logic without concern for how it will run. But up until now, that’s been more complicated than promised, since you have to worry about storage and transactions and so on. At DBOS, we’re solving those problems so that serverless can truly shine and allow all the use cases that we thought of ten years ago!

What do you do for fun?

I have two kids in elementary school, so most of my fun is helping them with homework or playing games with them. I do however also have a hobby of intense holiday lighting. I have about 4,500 individually addressable pixel LEDs attached to my house that I can program to make elaborate light shows.

What are some of your top priorities as DBOS CEO?

It’s an exciting time to join…the initial product is launched, and customers are enjoying the experience so far. My top priorities are to keep that going and growing. I look forward to really getting deep into the tech. Meeting with potential partners. Meeting with customers. Evangelizing serverless as a way of life!

What excites you most about joining DBOS?

DBOS is the culmination of the last decade plus of my career. I've always believed that serverless is the way of the future, but it's always been held up by all the other work that one had to do to make it robust and secure. DBOS solves those problems, making serverless truly the wave of the future. I’m looking forward to spreading the gospel of serverless and how much time and effort it can save people.

Have a question for Jeremy?

If you have your own questions for Jeremy, he’d love to hear from you. Ping him any time on the DBOS Community Discord channel - @jedberg.

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